RelyOn Nutec | ||
Target GroupCrew on fixed/ mobile installations assigned duties on fast rescue craft in accordance with the guidelines of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOG)
ObjectiveAfter completing the course the participants should be capable of:
- manning, launching and operating fast rescue crafts in a safe manner.
- using relevant equipment.
- carryng out search and rescue and administering first aid to injured personnel.
Course ContentsDuring the course, the following topics are covered:
- Areas of use for the craft.
- Crew’s main tasks.
- Co-operation and communication.
- Manoeuvring.
- Search and search patterns – day and night excercise.
- Participation in rescue operations.
- Picking up persons from the sea.
- Theoretical and practical first aid.
- Transfer techniques between vessels and installations.
- Regulations and guideline for FRC.
- Checking of boat and equipment.
- Launching and recovery of FRC.
- Compass and calculate of sailing distance.
- Communication training (VHF/UHF) with intregrated units.
- Use of equipment.
- Use of portable first-aid equipment.
- Use of surface swimming outfit.
PrerequisitesBasic Safety and Emergency Response course.
ExaminationTeoretical and practical tests.