FRC – Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) with Search & Rescue at night – Refresher

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RelyOn Nutec
NOK 10 548,-
November 2024
December 2024
NOK 10 548,-
October 2024
November 2024
NOK 10 548,-
November 2024
December 2024
NOK 11 073,-
November 2024
December 2024
FRC - Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) with Search & Rescue at night - Refresher (OSE151)

Target GroupCrew on fixed or floating installations assigned duties on fast rescue craft.

ObjectiveAfter completing the course the participants should be capable of manning and lowering fast rescue crafts, making use of the relevant safety equipment, carrying out search and rescue and administering first aid to injured personnel.

Course Contents

  • Lowering and hoisting of FRC.
  • Search exercises – day and night.
  • First aid training.
  • Compass use and calculate sailed distance.

  • Manoeuvring and use of FRC.
  • Picking up injured personnell from the sea.
  • Communication training.

PrerequisitesCompleted Fast Rescue Craft – basic training


Language course
1 1/2 days
2 years
Approved by
Norwegian Oil and Gass Association