FRC – Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) without Search & Rescue at night – Basic

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FRC - Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) without Search & Rescue at night - Basic (OSE1142)

Target GroupCrew on fixed/ floating installations assigned duties on fast rescue craft in accordance with the guidelines of the Norwegian Oil and Gas (NOROG).

ObjectiveAfter completing the course the participants should be cabable of:

  • manning, launching and operating fast rescue crafts in a safe manner.

  • using relevant equipment.

  • carryng out search and rescue and administering first aid to injured personnel.

Course ContentsDuring the course, the following topics will be covered:

  • Areas of use for the craft.
  • Cooperation and communication.
  • Manoeuvring.
  • Coordinated rescue operations – platform/ rig/ vessel – day/ night.
  • Training in the use of rescue swimmer equipment.
  • Use of portable first-aid equipment.
  • Use of surface swimming outfit.
  • Communication training (VHF/UHF) using intregrated units.

  • Checking the boat’s equipment.
  • Launching and recovery.
  • Search and search patterns – day/ no night excercise.
  • Training in the use of equipment.
  • Picking up persons from the sea.
  • Practical first aid.
  • Transfer techniques between vessels and fixed/ floating installations.

PrerequisitesBasic Safety Training.

ExaminationTeoretical and practical tests.

Language course
4 days
2 years
Approved by
Norwegian Oil and Gass Association